Tag Archives: programming

Problem with PyGame and it’s blitting.

I’ve made a post about it on reddit, but the gist is that if I set my colorkey to WHITE (255,255,255) the resulting image that gets blitted is all messed up and black.

Turns out I had a hidden extra surface created just for blitting, so that was how I spent the last 3 days coding. Heh heh.

Anyways, my issue is now there are spots that aren’t being drawn correctly, as if there are non WHITE spots… curious.


I’m making just the basics for my top down shooter now, got just a simple moving around thing going in an open arena.

I want to add in bullets, and I can only think that bullet classes are the best way of doing it, but I’m not sure about the cost of many classes.

Early Optimization is the root of all evil though, I’m told.