I was recently told via reddit that it was hard to pull images from Minus.com as they’ve hidden it behind javascript, and I just took a look to see what I could do, and lo and behold, vim comes to our rescue. In the spirit of Derek Wyatt, I wanted to make a quick tutorial on how to pull those images, in maybe a dozen vim commands. So just check out that reddit link and enjoy.
Turns a page source into a bunch of valid image links.
Here’s a bit of what it might look like, with comments quickly added. I’m
making some significant assumptions that these are always jpgs and that all the
ids are valid.
"#open a minus page e http://minus.com/mPrwtuN5NAAIH "#delete everything upto "items" normal ggD/"items" "#delete from the line under that to end of file normal jdG "# split the sets of curly braces onto their own line s/{\{-}},/&\r/ "# put each key/value pair onto their own line %s/"\{-},/&\r "# delete all lines not containing "id" v/^ "id"/d "# remove everything upto the beginning of the id %s/^.*": "// "# remove everything after %s/",$// "# prepend the necessary URL stuff %s/^/http:\/\/www.i.minus.com\/i/ "# append the filetype %s/$/.jpg/