This is the second installment of my Imgur API: ‘How to entire download Imgur Galleries’. Check out part 1 here in case you missed how to log into the API and upload an image!
I’m actually sort of cheating here, because we don’t actually need to use the API at all here, if we don’t want to. That is because we’re only going to deal with the galleries that are built from the images submitted to reddit. This means after you’re done with this tutorial, you’ll be able to just set the script to a given subreddits name, and grab all the images that have been submitted to /r/aww or /r/wallpapers.
I will be writing another tutorial soon for galleries and albums unrelated to as well as grabbing gallery information, such as the title and other descriptive things like that, but that’s less related to the actual downloading of the gallery, which is what we’re interested in today!
Please note that I’m working with Python 2.7 on Windows 7 64-bit, so you might have to modify the code slightly to accommodate for your platform, or OS.
Anyways, hit the jump to get started!
Edit: reddit user: easttntoppedtree caught that it maxes out at 56 images, so you’ll have to add /page/PAGENUMBERHERE.json to the end of the url to get the next 56 images like so:’ while keeping in mind that 0 (zero) is a valid page number
Tinypaste link for the full working code, as seen at the bottom of the page
Continue reading Imgur API part 2: Downloading a Gallery →