Turns out the .jpg compression was throwing in some odd pixels even at 100% quality, now I’m using PNGs.
Anyways, my latest victory was using the A* wiki page as an example and making a working, slow, pathfinder! Here’s the script for a working model, but it’s dirty as all hell. I’m really proud of it, the biggest hurdle was obviously learning A*, and what heuristics and admissible were and all that. After that though, it was tough just turning the pseudocode into python, but I got there!
Now I just gotta use that binary heap to speed it up, and I can move up the scale!
I’ve made a post about it on reddit, but the gist is that if I set my colorkey to WHITE (255,255,255) the resulting image that gets blitted is all messed up and black.
Turns out I had a hidden extra surface created just for blitting, so that was how I spent the last 3 days coding. Heh heh.
Anyways, my issue is now there are spots that aren’t being drawn correctly, as if there are non WHITE spots… curious.